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"Mind Control" 16in x 20in Acrylic Painting on Flat Panel Canvas

"Mind Control" 16in x 20in Acrylic Painting on Flat Panel Canvas

"Mind Control" 16in x 20in Acrylic painting on flat panel canvas.

This concept piece truly depicts what I feel about certain things on all media platforms.  Television and music are very subliminal. I notice from TV shows to even the news channels will show everyone what they want you to see. "They" will silence those who know too much or who goes against what the media wants the masses to believe. Music serves the same purpose. Everything we hear on the radio is either violent or extremely sexual. Not all music but most of it. Today we live in a society where we can choose what we want to listen to or watch but for the younger generation it's much different. It's easier for the younger generation to be more influenced. I overall believe there is a big agenda in all aspects of our society. Keep your eyes open.
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